The graphics is rather pretty but as for the rest:
- The dub is done by multiply people but do we really need it? I could read it faster instead of waiting for them to speak they part. I don't feel that their talking gives me anything - no info no mood just playing on my nerves.
- The tutorial is the worst i have seen in a while. Tutorial is supposed to tell you what is the aim and how to achieve it. endless talking doesn't help. I was constantly pressing Z and still no improvement.
- Jumping seems weak. Even double jump is weak.
- When i want to deposit jewels i often slide instead. In fast action collect game you want to deposit your cargo and be back into action. Sliding instead of dropping is unacceptable.
- The rounds are too long. 90 seconds. Who has time for such long rounds?!
Overall you get 2/5 because of the graphics and ONLY because of that.
Only 5-8 minutes and so many things that made me displeased.
Your always hating 2pg games - T4u