Not the biggest fun of genre but overall good production value. Please provide solutions.
Not the biggest fun of genre but overall good production value. Please provide solutions.
Pretty good. Good on art and audio side. I wouldn't add jump +1 power-up beyond double jump. I was able to fly using jumping. Stronger visual checkpoints indication would be of benefit.
Sometimes a game was boring because it took a lot of hits to kill enemies. This became very obvious during boss fight as despite doing damage boss was barely losing health. Power-ups kinda help but I would make minion spawn rate dependend on your shooting power: smaller power, more minions, until you reach decent fire power.
I feel confused about the rules.
Understandable. I'd love to spend time on an interactive tutorial.
It's just about keeping units 3 spaces away from each other. if any units are within 3 spaces once all units have moved, you lose. It's a puzzle survival game.
Imagine, that once all units have moved, a spirit tries to "reach out and touch" the closest unit, but fails if its 4 or more spaces away.
Thanks for trying it!
Not really into chubby girls but the game was fun.
Heyho, t4upl!
Thanks! :) Glad you enjoyed it!
Stay funky,
Pretty good but:
- Spacebar should be disabled when there is only one ghost on the screen
- Animation of opening chest takes time and should not affect the logic of game. If I already got key why should I wait for animation to complete?
- Time should start counting after first action taken by player and not on load screen.
Thank you for your comment.
-You are right...The SPACEBAR should be disable...I will resolve that issue asap!
-I think i will change the animation of opening chest...
-Regarding the time start counting, remember that you have only 30 sec to find the correct way to reach the gate...If time starts after the first action, you have all time you want to think about what to do before you decide to start!
Makes me proud to be American.
Even though I am not.
Me niether!
Pretty fun. Difficulty curve coudl have been more steep.
Thanks for the feedback, I'll try to improve the difficulty curve in the next release.
Pretty fun. Maybe some missions in next update?
I probably won't update this more as my priority is to make more things. I don't mind the idea I ended up with this game, but I think the execution needs some work before I'd bother with meaty content updates.
How do I start?
Levels still aren't available, this build of the game is kinda like a preview. The 'endless' mode works, and this is where the game lies at the moment. Sorry if this isn't clear from in the game.
Age 33, Male
Warsaw, Poland
Joined on 9/20/12