Love your Ld entries.
Love your Ld entries.
Welcome to hell!
Enjoyable. Medals don't work.
Really ? On my computer it works. There is no graphics for the medal yet, are you sure you don't have any medal ?
EDIT : Try to refresh page too
Simplie yet challenging, matches the theme. Great loved it.
Kidna fun but nothing that would keep me playing for longer time.
Thanks for the feedback! It gets funner when you get further and acquire power-ups and win medals.
Looks promising but make stroneger feedback tot he player because to be honest I have little understanding of what is going on the screen. Needs deck building, inventory system, more cards and a tutorial. Lack of any animation is painfully obvious as well.
Sounds and art are ok I guess but at this stage the game doesn't show much.
Great and unique puzzle. I can't find any better tactic than being greedy. Shame you can't play 1 vs 5 AIs.
It's great game. The main issue for me is that it gets bigger but not more difficult with levels. + Action was confusing at first but once you get it it becomes the game-breaking rule.
All you have to do:
- Use 1 or 2 + rule to eliminate loads of strays
- Use + or 1 distance to get plenty of first confirmed "kills"
- Finish the rest
I would loop right arrow key as well (go back to the begining if trying to access past last page). I would highlight more a single match in a pair as simply making a icon bigger wasn't enough for me.
I love that it's like more visual and interactive sudoku.
Didn't have patience to make it through tutorial. I didn't like controls and music was annoying.
No changing weapons by numbers. Never made it past level 1. More advanced weapons should be more fun but they aren't. Pistol worked best for me. Good art and sounds but lacks playability (is that even a word?).
Age 33, Male
Warsaw, Poland
Joined on 9/20/12