Good graphics but need boss health indicator.
Good graphics but need boss health indicator.
Fans are too powerful. Love the mix of runner + quests.
Pretty good but controls are slippery. Lost interest before become challenging.
The ships are supposed to be slippery, that's what the control stat is for. The purple ship slips almost none because it has max control.
It's decent but nothing wow.
It was ok. Liked the "did you remember" part but foir long didn't know why was I collecting cocos.
Blackscreen. Tested on Firefox
Thank you for notice me!
This black screen will dissapear after you waiting 1 minute or so.
I investigated this problem and it seems like it happens only between Firefox Browser and Unity WebGL player. But game is definetly works.
Solutions: try to keep your Firefox browser up to date or play Unity WebGL games in Google Crome.
Thank you again for warning.
I love that it got me confused in a good way. House in the house inside the house. I got stuck and couldn't finish => need solution video.
Took forever, but here it is!
Amazing you managed to do so much in 72 hours
This is great but lack of checkpoints made me quit and I never finished it.
If you ever would like to give it a second shot, just as a tip, just keep yourself nourished and use the scream when possible, it's really useful! Also if you spam the slash while running big groups can become pieces quite easily
Age 33, Male
Warsaw, Poland
Joined on 9/20/12