Pros: Innovative idea. Idle quest meets RPG and not just in the name. Fun gameplay if you give it a try.
Too slow progress. Killing 25 rats is seriously no fun(the whole idea with blessing is terrible).
You cnat see progress on your skill in invenotry (only your level). I'm mean you kinda can like 96 exp to next level. So am I nearly done or not, because 96 exps left to next level doesn't tell me much
In mining if I have high mining level why cant I get more pieces of ore from single stone?
Really ugly game. Only desciption says what is what.
rose petals + bottle = health potion. bottle + rose petals = error!
Fighting logic. My enemy is level 5 I have level 6 in combat and dagger. I still lose.
Small shop can't sell items for gold or use gold to buy items or materials.
Equiping is ba. No marker showing player that yes your weapon is equipped.
If you are too small on smithing you can't peek how better sword is from dagger. You cant therefore say is it worth to train smittinh or combat.
If you want to be better at minning you can usulally do two things in game : grind at minning(gaining talent exp) or get a better pick ax(money way). You cant buy new pick ax in this game.
A lot of missclicking.
There are probably more problems that I forgot to mention.
This game has a future but creator needs to rethink basics of the game. What should leave in the game and what should stay. If it stays how can we make it more fun. It's probably one of the ugliest game in the world but give it a try because there is a potential in it.