I feel love-hate towards this game. Art style is cool but for most part I feel like the game is beating the shit out of me without giving me a slight chance of winning. It's not because it's difficult but because it's absurd. I could shoot at enemy and they wouldn't die. Plot got me kinda hooked to be honest.
You can't return to main room from main menu. This is a major flaw as you can to the point when you can't return! Had to start again beacuse of it!
Try to mark the end of demo more strongly as I wasn't sure if I should be searching for more or accept the room I got to as the end. I really disliked that enemies could go through walls. Really disliked the fact that getting ALL upgrades is pretty much obligatory -> there is no chance to win without getting every one available before challenging next room. After playing this game I feel anger instead of excitment.